Vein Practice
Vein Practice
Articles and video relating to Constantinos Kyriakides
Embarrassing Bodies:
“Thread Veins”
Dr Pixie sends a client to see vascular specialist Mr Constantinos Kyriakides, who carries out a course of micro injection schlerotherapy to which we see some instantaneous results.
Embarrassing Bodies:
“Nine weeks later”
Dr Pixie sends a client to see vascular specialist Mr Constantinos Kyriakides, who carries out a course of micro injection schlerotherapy to which we see some instantaneous results.
A client appears in the EB clinic suffering from unsightly thread veins that she has had for ten years. Dr Pixie sends April to see vascular specialist Mr Constantinos Kyriakides, who carries out a course of micro injection schlerotherapy to which we see some instantaneous results leaving April a tad emotional. However in the process it is discovered that April’s veins in her left leg are not working as they should and April undergoes further procedures under local anaesthetic to seal a leaking vein and pull out some small visible ones. 9 weeks later April returns to visit Dr Pixie to show off her new legs that are a marked improvement enabling April to finally go out in a skirt after ten long years.
Newspaper Articles
'She was lucky – a day later and she could have lost a leg' The Independent 27 September 2011
Embarrassing Bodies: Channel 4 Condition: Thread Veins
Specialist: Mr Constantinos Kyriakides, Consultant Vascular surgeon
Length of procedure: two × one hour Sclerotherapy sessions followed by approximately one hour of surgery
‘Don't be vein: Anti-aging laser technique will help Madonna and Angelina smooth out the skin on their hands’ The Daily Mail 2 March 2011
Goodbye lumpy legs: The laser operation that banishes varicose veins for good (and with no scars) The Daily Mail 14 April 2012
Oh boy, we've got women's troubles The Daily) Mail 22 June 2010
‘The Star Wars laser that zapped my ugly varicose veins’ The Daily Mail 20 February 2010
How tiny scaffolding could end the misery of leg ulcers The Daily Mail 6 November 2012